Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Rift between Somali President, Digil Mirifle Members of the Parliament Widens

SOMALIA — The verbal assault of Digil Mirifle members of parliament in Somalia after Hassan Sheikh replaced Digil Mirifle members of his government has sparked anger against the president and the prime minister, with several MPs accusing his government of volition of Somalia’s power-sharing agreement, corruption, power-grabbing and tribalism. The president and the prime minister have yet to offer a pleasing explanation to why they are replacing only Digil Mirifle members of his cabinet, and deny Digil Mirifle community their rights and other ambassadorial potions like the United Nations representatives.

Both President Hassan and Prime Minister Saacid’s offices have been rocked by scandal, bribery charges and rumors of wide spread corruption in recent weeks, as Somali lawmakers argue over the replacement of Digil Mirifle officials and the distribution of ambassadorial seats as well as the tribal make-up of the staff that work at President’s office and prime minister.

“Digil Mirifle community is under attack.  The president said; he was never under any kind of oversight.  I want to stop the 4.5 power-sharing agreements by offering all governmental positions to the educated and qualified members of his clan in Mogadishu.” He is under the dilution that only his tribe are qualified and educated while the rest of Somali tribes are not qualified or educated. 

Digil Mirifle MPs have already collected the over 100 signatures required for president to be recalled.  They are in final stages of completing draft motion against the president and Prime Minister Saacid.

Just as a small rally supporting London conference were held in Mogadishu, Digil Mirifle MPs including the Speaker of the Somali Parliament Mohamed Hassan Jawari who is the acting president while the president is out of the country was absent from the rally, nor his photos were visible among the crowd organized and paid by the government and the prime minister’s office.  Present were other MPs, but all Digil Mirifle and the Speaker who is from Digil Mirifle tribe were absent.  David Cameron’s photos, President Hassan, Prime Minister Saacid even Asha Elmi who is a low level MP and wife of Prime Minister Saacid’s photos were visible and vividly displayed at the government podium, but no photos of Speaker Jawari were visible at all.  They have not made any poster of his photo for him despite he holds the highest office in the country and the country’s parliament.  This is a clear indication of the widening rift between the government of soon to be impeached Hassan Sheikh and the Digil Mirifle MPs.

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