Friday, May 10, 2013


Somali MPs in no-confidence motion against President Hassan and Prime Minister Saacid

Somalia’s Federal Parliament will soon vote and begin steps to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Saacid and President Hassan Sheikh’s government.

Prime Minister Saacid today met with members of Digil Mirifle and Darod MPs in efforts to stop the no-confidence motion against him and his boss.  The meeting was unsuccessful with no deal or compromises made.

The move on Sunday will pile pressure on the ruling Hassan Sheikh to appoint another Prime Minister and establish equal labor laws in Somalia’s public governmental offices.  Currently all or almost 95% of employees in Villa Somalia’s presidential office are from his clan.  Somali MPs are demanding the diversification of Presidential and Prime Minister Offices staff.  Also, the equal distribution of ambassadors and representatives of Somalia.  They want the government under Hassan Sheikh to govern fairly and equally (No Tribalism or favoritism).

A vote of no-confidence would take Somalia into new political waters and could set the stage for a confrontation if the Somali President, who assumed power after the Somalis ended 8 year transition last year, refuses to yield to the will of a parliament elected in the country's most democratic vote in decades.

It could also complicate recent international support and the pledging of millions aid money to Somalia.  MPs heaped criticism on the government during a meeting with Prime Minister Saacid called to debate its handling of a probe into civil society groups and its decision to replace Digil Mirifle general, and his exclusion of the Digil Mirifle members from his government. 

Jawari, the parliament speaker, a member of the Digil Mirifle community, asked MPs to vote on the idea of moving to withdraw confidence from the government, after one MP after another called for its resignation.

In a show of hands during televised session, the Somali MPs will vote in favor of the motion. Speaker Jawari has many times before warned the government against hindering parliament's work.
"It appears that the government wants to start a crisis with the parliament," he said. "I will adjourn the session until the government comes a fair solution to the issues of Somalia’s power-sharing agreement. If it doesn't meet the demands of the Somali public, parliament will have a bone to pick with them," he said.

Hoos Ka Akhriso inta Xil Aysan Beelweynta Digil iyo Mirifle Waxba Ku Laheyn
1-Taliyaha Ciidamda Xooga Soomaaliyeed
2-Taliyaha ciidanka Asluubta soomaaliyeed
3-Taliyaha Ciidamda Sirdoonka
4-Taliyaha Ciidanka Badda
5-Taliyaha Laanta Socdaalka
6-Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Sare
7-Gudoomiyaasha Maxkamadaha Ciidanka
8-Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Shacabka
9-Gudoonka Sare ee Bankiga Dhexe Soomalaiya
10-Xisaabiyaha Guud Ee Qaranka
11-Maamulka Sare, Dhexe, Iyo Xamaaliba Dekeda Muqdisho
13-Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir Caasimada Soomaaliya
14- Qunsulooyinka Inta Safaaradood Ee Caalamka aanu ku leenahay,
14- xoghayaasha iyo diplamaasiyiinta kale ee ka howlgala safaaradahaasi
15-Hogaanka Maamulka Madaxtooyada
16- Wakiilada UN-ka Janeva
17 Wakiilka UN Ee NY
18- Midowga Afrika
19- Midowga Jaamacada Arabta
20- Bankiga Islaamka
21- Wakiilada Wadamo badan oo Afrika ah oo laga dhigey M.Ali Americo.
22- Agaasimiyaasha iyo Agaasime waaxyada hay’adaha Dowladda

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